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  •  "syncrolift valley" production hall at Sideros
    Optimise your processes Press release

    Sideros Engineering exposing at Euroblech top machines

    Published on 10/07/20
Nom de l'entreprise
Submitted by a.merlet.securite on Fri 10/07/2020 - 14:07
  • Sideros has been on the sheet metal industry for over 40 years, always at customer side with strong, longlasting and friendly-user machineries which gave us international reputation. we manufacture head&tailstock positioners ( 2 to 60 tons charge) , three axis welding positioners ( up to 18 T), L-type positioners ( up to 20 T), storage systems for sheet metal and for bars&tubes (several formats and sizes available) , downdraft cutting tables for thermal cutting (oxy, plasma and laser),dust collectors and filtering devices, centralized suction systems for welding positions and deburring muchines for cut parts  

    you can find us at HALL 13 - STAND F204

  • head & tailstock positioners for welding and assembly - syncrolift series

    they are great for chassis, frames, tanks and more in general for long and heavy parts needing welding or assembly activities. the mobile columns (up to 25 meters distance) give maximum flexibility, allowing the operator to work safe and in full safety, forgetting the traditional crane bridge for good. all machines can be self programmable and wi-fi.  

    train wagon on a syncrolift


  • three axis welding and assembly positioners - rotolift series

    these positioners can move on the 3 axes giving full flexibility of movement. Ideal for compact and heavy components ( up to 18 tons) they are the perfect friend of any professional weldmaster. All Rotolift can have a programmable software to organize de work phases.

    hydraulic pump on a Rotolift 13 tons


  • sheet metal vertical storage systems with simple or double tower

    use the space on the top rather than the ground. we can supply storage system in the following sheet metal sizes : 1500x3000, 2000x4000, 2000x6000 and 2500x 6000. you can have single tower, double towers with shuttle, triple tower and even tailor-made upon your needs. they are integrated with a special software for material inventory and can be placed inside or outside. trust our 25 years experience in the business. Also available for tubes&bars up to 8 meters long. 

    2 parallels double towers with shuttle